Honors in Latin American Studies

To obtain a degree with Honors in Latin American Studies, a student will

  1. complete at least 3 hours of Senior Honors Thesis (LTAM 4700).
  2. The student will prepare a description of the proposed Honors research for submission to the Latin American Studies Honors Committee, which has the authority to approve, amend, or reject the proposal. Students who plan to graduate with “Honors in Latin American Studies” must apply for, and be approved for “Honors Candidacy” by the University Honors Council no later than the semester prior to the one at the end of which they plan to graduate.
  3. Prepare an Honors thesis based on independent Honors research.
  4. Successfully defend the thesis before a committee consisting of a thesis adviser chosen by the student in consultation with the Director of Latin American Studies, plus two members of the Latin American Studies Honors Committee.
  5. Have a GPA of at least 3.25 for all work in Latin American Studies at UNC Charlotte, have a GPA of at least 3.0 for all UNC Charlotte course work, receive the grade of “A” for at least 3 hours of Senior Honors Thesis, and have a GPA of at least 3.2 for all Honors courses in Latin American Studies.

Admission to the Honors Program
Consideration for admission to the Honors Program may be initiated by the student or by any faculty member. The Latin American Studies Honors Committee will formally approve admission. The student may be removed from the Honors Program at any time, upon his/her own request or upon recommendation of the Honors Committee.


All students planning to graduate with honors must submit to the Honors College an Application to Candidacy Form with a thesis/project proposal by the deadline the semester PRIOR to the semester in which they expect to complete the thesis/project. This process includes review of the proposal by Honors Faculty and sometimes requires revisions. Plan ahead and contact your honors program director in your junior year to facilitate this process; he or she, as well as your thesis advisor and any reader(s), must review the proposal and approve it via signature before submission. This Application to Candidacy process is required before taking any honors thesis/project courses on campus. For more information, including the form, deadlines, and guidelines, see: https://honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev/students. Students who fail to complete this required step will not be able to proceed with the thesis/project, nor graduate with honors.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Carlos M. Coria-Sánchez
Honors Program Director